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Dec 3, 2017

Advent is a time in the weeks before Christmas to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus and the reality of the Incarnation--God taking on a body forever. If you need some help wrapping your heart and mind around the goodness of bodies, maybe this will help. 

Prayer by Amanda Martinez Beck
"O Come, O Come, Immanuel"...

Nov 15, 2017

Nicole and Amanda talk feasting in fat bodies this holiday season. 

Nov 1, 2017

Nicole and Amanda discuss the ramifications--political and personal--of fat shaming in our culture. 

Oct 10, 2017

Amanda interviews author, baker, and scholar Kendall Vanderslice on the intersection of food, faith, and culture. 

Follow Kendall on Twitter and Instagram (@kvslice for both) and be sure to buy her book when it comes out in Winter 2018/19! (You can read more about it

Sep 15, 2017

Nicole and Amanda talk about loving their neighbors as fat women.